좀 더 깊게 알아야 할 'E&F’ 핵심 수능영단어 [논스탑 색시케빈]
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좀더 깊게 알아야 할 E 핵심수능단어.hwp
아... Z까지 언제 다하나...ㅋㅋㅋ 하지만 이글을 읽고 도움을 받을 소수의 미래 엘리트에게 도움이 된다면 괜찮습니다. 여러분 힘내세요!!!
촌놈이 대학에 갔더니 다 콜린스코빌드 영영사전으로 공부하더라고요^^ 난 영한사전으로 했었는데 ㅎ 그래서 저도 영영사전으로 바꾸었죠... 영어를 영어로 인식하는 첫걸음! 영어단어뜻을 영어로 인식하는거죠^^
[이 어휘조합들은 케빈이 출판을 위해 직접저작하고 있는 콘텐츠입니다. 이를 허락없이 인쇄물로 만드는것은 저작권법 위반임을 말씀드립니다.]
좀 더 깊게 알아야 할 'E’ 핵심 수능단어 [논스탑 색시케빈]
- Eatable: Can be eaten, but without any great enjoyment.
- Edible: Can be eaten but this is in contrast to poisonous.
- Economic: concerned with the organization of the money, industry, and trade of a country, region, or society; Poland's radical economic reforms(출처:Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner's English Dictionary)
- Economical: saving money, resources and time.
- Economically: two meanings= adverb of economic and economical.
- Effect: as a verb, to do or achieve something; The palne was grounded until repairs to the engine could be effected.
- Affect: as a verb
a. make a difference; Computers are affecting our lives.
b. influence; Her illness affected the whole family.
- Effective:
a. something that solves a problem or creates a real result.
b. can be used about the date when a measure is to be implemented; These changes are effective as of 15 June.
- Efficient: describe people, machines, organizations or measures tht produce results without wasting time or energy.
- Endorse: write on the back of something
- Endorsement: the act of giving public support to someone or something; They gave the candidate their full endorsement.
- Enough: as much or as many as required.
- Adequate: satisfactory in quantity or quality but not especially good.
- Sufficient: as much as is needed for a specific purpose.
Enquire= Inquire(for a formal investigation): ask about something or require information.
- Envious: describe the feeling of wanting something that belongs to another person; He was envious of the TV star’s popularity.
- Enviable: being in a position worthy of envy.
- Event: something of significance.
- Incident: an event of minor importance.
- Happening: a strange event.
- Everything: the entire situation, as a whole.
- Every thing: each item in a given situation.
- Evidence:
a. a fact or object that reveals the truth of a matter
b. the information presented to the court during a legal investigation
- Testimony: a written or spoken statement by a witness in a court of law
- Exceptional: outstanding or extremely good.
- Extraordinary: out of the ordinary or unexpectedly extreme.
- Excuse: a true or invented reason for doing something.
- Pretext: a false reason that is given for doing something.
- Expense: the cost or money required for something
- Expenditure: the act of spending official funds
좀 더 깊게 알아야 할 'F’ 핵심 수능단어 [논스탑 색시케빈]
- Fanatic: a person who is extremely enthusiastic about something such as a ‘football fanatic’
- Fanatical: extremely enthusiastic
- far away: adverb
- faraway: adjective
- Ferment:
a. produce alcohol from yeast and sugar
b. = inflame; ferment prejudiced crowds to riot
- Brew: make a drink like tea by soaking or boiling the dry ingredients
cf. A storm is brewing(폭풍우가 올 듯하다)
- Distil: produce a concentrated substance by boiling and condensation
- Facility
a. an ability to do something easily; He had a considerable facility for speaking easily.
b. equipment provided for a specific purpose
c. a feature of a machine; The cash machine has a facility for paying out different currencies.
- Faculty
a. the abilities and talents that someone is born with.
b. a member of the teaching staff and administration in a university, college or school.
- Flammable: easily set on fire
- Inflammable = flammable
- Flea: a small jumping insect
- Flee: run away; The volcano erupted and the villages had to flee
- folk or folks= people
- folks: your close family, especially your mother and father
- Forecast is based on factual information
- Prediction is often based on assumptions
- Forest: an extensive area of trees
- Wood: a small area of trees
- Former: when combined with ‘the’, refers to the first of two
- latter: refers to second of two
- Fortnight = two weeks
- Frail: weak and in poor physical health
- Fragile: not strong and vulnerable
- Delicate: is prone to illness; The child had delicate health
- Friend: a person with whom mutual affection has developed
- Acquaintance: a person that you know, but not very well
- Fertile
a. used of land or soil that produces a lot of crops or vegetation
b. capable of producing offspring
c. refer to the capacity to generate ideas; The management will have to have fertile minds to stay ahead of the competition.
- Fruitful: producing a lot of useful results.
[논스탑 색시케빈 소개]
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첫번째 댓글의 주인공이 되어보세요.